Another span of time has elapsed between “TGIF” and “Well, I guess it’s time to get ready for work tomorrow.”

I was a little bummed because it felt like I hadn’t moved my life in any particular direction. That’s not to say that nothing happened, but let’s just say it was a weekend about nothing.

Bread The supermarket was out of bread so I made some bread. I finally got to use the batard banneton I got in Copenhagen over the summer.

Corner I rebuilt this corner of this hunk of piano so that eventually I can make a bench out of it. Now I need to do the other corner and it feels like this project hasn’t even started yet in spite of the hours I’ve put in so far.

Cupcake We made some weird cupcakes. I accidentally overfilled the pan for a few of these and they had these funny duckbill shapes on top and we decided that just made more surface area for frosting and sprinkles.

Chrono I jumped into the retro console emulation scene. It started as a hankering to play Metal Gear Acid again, and turned into learning how to use VirtualBox to spin up a VM just to run this Windows-only flash utility to shoehorn Chrono Trigger into this SNES Classic I bought on impulse a while back and never really touched afterwards.

This is actually great because I’d never really touched hardware virtualization before for lack of necessity. I totally skipped straight to Kubernetes and Docker, and kind of felt like I was floating around without a foundation for a while until now. Now I have a true appreciation for not having to create an entire operating system in a bottle just to run a single stubborn program.

Till now it had been just another case of a how without a why.

In any case, this is a great opportunity to remind myself of why my resolution for this year was to write more. I’ve been feeling very adrift and directionless lately. I go to bed on Sunday nights in a panic that I hadn’t made good enough use of my weekend. I worry because I don’t feel any closer to anything for all the free time that had passed – time that I alone am responsible for and could use to maximum effect if I so pleased, and in the end I feel like I’ve gone nowhere, when in fact I’ve gone everywhere and back.

Writing is documenting, and I’m better with fact than fiction. I need to write more just so that I can show myself that, actually, things are different than they were on Friday.